Frequently Asked Question
Here we answer frequently asked questions!
What is Paulownia?
Paulownia is a fast growing tree that is grown in different parts of the world. It belongs to the mint family and is also known as the emperor tree, blue bell tree or kiri tree.
How long has KiriTree International SE existed?
We have been managing leased areas in Kosovo since October 2018.
Where is the home of the paulownia?
Paulownia originally came from China, but is now widespread in many other countries, including the USA, Europe and Australia.
What is Paulownia used for?
Paulownia has a variety of uses. The wood is used, for example, in furniture construction, for the construction of musical instruments, for wooden packaging and in interior design. The trees' fast-growing characteristics also make them attractive for reforestation, cultivation as timber, or for erosion control.
How can I participate in Paulownia?
Quite simply, you buy a tree and we do the rest, right up to fruiting. All from a single source. Go to the shop and become a climate star!
How does Paulownia absorb CO2?
The CO2 absorption of Paulownia trees is indeed impressive. Paulownia trees are known for their rapid growth and ability to absorb large amounts of CO2 from the atmosphere. During the growth phase they absorb more CO2 than they release. This makes them an interesting option in terms of carbon sequestration and promoting sustainability.
Is the paulownia ecologically sustainable?
Paulownia is often considered an environmentally sustainable option because it grows quickly and can store a high amount of CO2 compared to other trees. Their wood can be used as a renewable resource and growing Paulownia trees can contribute to reforestation and provide environmental benefits.